Weekly Wrap-Up – January 8, 2022

Happy Saturday, everyone! We’ve reached the end of the first week of 2022. I hope it has gone well for you all. It has been a few weeks since I did a weekly wrap-up thanks to my semi-hiatus and the holidays, but I’m getting back on track again with my regularly scheduled programming. 🙂 However, there is a twist. I’ll be changing up the formatting a bit to focus exclusively on my reading progress, progress on my bookish goals/challenges, and my blog posts from the past week. I plan to switch to monthly book and comic haul posts. So, info on what I’ve bought, borrowed, and received will be there instead from now on.

Reading Progress

My reading this week has been a bit hit or miss. I finished Of Darkness and Light early on in the week and absolutely loved it. Then I trudged my way through The Beholden for pretty much the rest of the week because I wasn’t enjoying it at all. I finally finished it on Thursday and got started on Engines of Empire. So, far I’m enjoying it and am interested to see where the story is going. I’ve also been chipping away at the audio book of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it has been fun to return to this world. I’ve never read the series before, and it has been an enjoyable experience so far. Personally, I think I prefer most of the movies to the books (with the exceptions of books 4 and 5, which tie with those movies for me). Please don’t hate me. lol.

Bookish Goals/Challenges

I have quite a few goals I’d like to meet this year when it comes to books and blogging about books. I’ve shared some of them already in my latest Top 5 Tuesday post. So, I’ll start with updates about those with the others included towards the end.

Goodreads Challenge

My goal for the year is to read 100 books. So far, I’m on track. This week, I’ve read 2 and started 2 more that I’ll (hopefully) be finished with soon.

NetGalley Progress

I’d like to end the year with at least 50 reviews completed for NetGalley and a ratio of at least 80%. I’ve made a little progress on this in the last week. I completed my 27th review and have started reading the book for my 28th. We’re not even gonna talk about the ratio because it will make me depressed. lol. Let’s just say it a good thing there are 51 weeks left in this year…

Read More Nonfiction

I haven’t made any progress on this yet, but I plan to start reading A Tour of French History soon. I did get some great recommendations this week from other bloggers of nonfiction books I should read. Hopefully, I can integrate them intro my reading throughout the year.

Collect Some Badges

As you can see below, my badge board is still empty. I’m not using Of Darkness and Light to get a badge because I started the book prior to 2022. It just doesn’t feel right to count it. I also don’t want to claim a badge for The Beholden because I REALLY did not enjoy reading it. I’d rather the badges be associated with books I’ve liked. So, I’m still at zero for now, but that will hopefully change in the coming week.

Read More Comics

I’ve set the goal of reading all the comics I buy during the week I buy them. I haven’t read any yet, but the first week hasn’t ended. So, technically I haven’t failed. I plan to read some of them today…


There has been a hashtag floating around on Twitter that focuses on reading books from the TBR. Anyone who has followed me probably knows by now that my TBR is an ever-expanding black hole. So, this feels like something I need to do but will probably suck at. lol. I’m going to give it a shot nevertheless. There don’t seem to be any hard rules associated with the hashtag. I’m just going to focus on having a majority of the books I read this year be books I bought, borrowed, or received prior to January 1, 2022. I’m doing good so far. All the books I have read and am currently reading fall into this category.

Finish Some Series

I’m notorious for starting and never finishing series, but last year I finished one of the series I’ve been reading for the longest time, The Sword of Truth series. I plan to finish or catch up on at least 5 more by the end of this year.

  1. The Broken Earth by N.K. Jemisin
  2. Arthurian Saga by Mary Stewart
  3. The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune
  4. Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
  5. A shit ton of different Shadowhunters books by Cassandra Clare

I’m so close to being finished with Harry Potter for the first time, and it has been fun to see how the books compare to the movies. I’ll also be starting to work on The Broken Earth soon by re-reading The Fifth Season along with other on The Oasis Discord.

Blog Posts & Book Reviews

I posted a lot this week! All the new stuff from the last week is listed below:

  • Meet the Book Blogger Tag – I started off the year by completing a fun tag that will help you all get to know me a little better. So, be sure to check it out if you haven’t already.
  • ARC Review – Of Darkness and Light – This post highlights my thoughts on Of Darkness and Light by Ryan Cahill. This is truly a fantastic series so far, and this book brought everything to a whole other level of awesome.
  • Most Anticipated January 2022 Releases – This list shows the books I’m most excited for coming out in January 2022.
  • Top 5 Tuesday – Top 5 Bookish Resolutions for 2022 – I participated in another Top 5 Tuesday this week, which highlighted the top 5 bookish resolutions I have for this year. Although, if you’ve read this post, you already know them!
  • TBR: January 2022 – This post shows my TBR for January 2022. It is quite ambitious. So, we’ll see if I actually get through them all.
  • Mini Review – The Beholden – This mini review highlights my thoughts about The Beholden by Cassandra Rose Clarke. I didn’t love this one at all and don’t really recommend it. Therefore, it became my first two star read of the year.
  • First Lines Fridays #36 – This post gives the first lines of a book and asks you to guess and judge the book by how it begins. Check it out to see if you can guess the book, which I’ll be starting soon.

Final Thoughts

As always, I love reading wrap-up posts. So, if you’ve got one for this week, please leave a link to it in the comments, and I’ll stop by and check it out.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up – January 8, 2022

  1. Finishing series is ALWAYS on my goal list. I’ve been getting a lot better about making myself finish the series I’ve started, but for years I had a very big “read book one only” problem. I’m reading Engines of Empire this week too, looking forward to comparing notes!

    • Yeah. I’m pretty bad about that too, especially if I got the first book as an ARC but never bought it for my shelves. It becomes an out of sight, out of mind type situation. I’ve seen quite a few people who’ve loved Engines of Empire. So, I’m hopeful I will too. It is enjoyable enough so far, but I’m not that far into it. I look forward to seeing what you think once you’re done with it!

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