Books I’ve Read This Year with Bi+ Male Characters (2023)

Every year for bi visibility day, I create my list of favorite books with bi+ male characters (2021, 2022). The lists are always comprised of books I’ve read in the preceding year. I’ve decided to continue making this a yearly thing… because why not? Without further ado, here are some of the books I’ve read since last September that included bi+ male rep within the main cast of characters (book covers link to Goodreads and book titles link to my review, if available). Happy bi visibility day to all my bi peeps out there!

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Books I’ve Read This Year with Bi+ Male Characters

Last year for Bi Visibility Day, I created my first list of favorite books with bi+ male characters (see here). It was comprised mostly of books I’d read in the preceding year. I’ve decided to make this a yearly thing… because why not? Without further ado, here are some of the books I’ve read since last September that included bi+ male rep within the main cast of characters (with synopses from Goodreads).

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Nonfiction Mini Reviews – Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality / This Book Is Gay

Hello, everyone! Today I’m reviewing two recent nonfiction reads, This Book Is Gay and Bi. One of my goals for this year was to read more nonfiction. So, I’m excited to have added these two books to the read pile. Bi is also the oldest eARC on my NetGalley shelf, and finally reading it made me really happy. 🙂 Without further ado, here are the books!

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The New Superman Is Bi! (My Thoughts & Reactions)

I apologize in advance for the rambling mess this post is likely to be, but I was too excited to not write about this. The news was announced a few days ago that the new Superman, Jon Kent, is bisexual. He is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and, for the time being at least, has taken on the Superman mantle while his father is away. If interested, you can find out more about this new comic and the news about Jon Kent here.

It is hard to put into words exactly what this means to me. I’ve adored Superman since I was a small child, and he, along with Spider-Man, have been my favorite superheroes for as long as I can remember. I think I’ve mentioned this before in other posts, but I don’t remember seeing any representation for bi+ people while growing up, at least not positive representation. Queer people in general, and especially bi+ men, were either absent completely or vilified in almost every medium. Now that I read quite a bit of stories involving bi+ men, I’ve often wondered how different my life would have been to see positive representation such as this from an early age. I grew up thinking I was unnatural and broken in some way for being different and hated myself for it for a long time. If I had seen or read something like this comic as a child or teenager, I truly think it would have made a world of difference in how I perceived myself. I could see my younger self thinking if Clark Kent’s son is bi, that must mean it’s not an awful thing to be. The power in that realization is huge, and I’m excited that the young people of today will have a completely different, and hopefully better, experience than I did, thanks in large part to representation like the character of Jon Kent.

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