Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2022

Hello, everyone! I know we are already a week into March, but I still haven’t wrapped up my February yet. So, here we go… Better late than never! February is always the month of birthdays, mine and both my parents. This meant lots of cake, as well as some new books. Other than all the celebrations, it was a pretty quiet month filled with dreary weather and lots of reading. Not a whole lot has changed in my daily routine. So, despite getting a year older, everything is still rolling on as usual.

February 2022 TBR Results

So, did I finish the extremely ambitious TBR that I set for February? Once again, the answer is yes and no. I read more than my goal of 12 total books at 13 total. However, some of the books from the initial list got swapped out due to library availability and the need to complete certain prompts for the Magical Readathon character creation, which I’ll be posting about later in March. Unfortunately, that means I didn’t get to Founder’s Mercy in February, but I was able to get to it in the first week of March (Yay!). I also did DNF a book for the first time since starting this blog almost one year ago. The Starless Crown was taking me forever to get through, and it was due back to the library before I even finished half of it. Even though it was interesting, I just wasn’t really feeling it and surprisingly didn’t feel sad about giving it back to the library. I’ll probably finish it one day…maybe.

Progress On My 2022 Reading Goals

Goodreads Challenge

So far, I’m still ahead on my goal of 100 books for the year. I read 13 books in February, which brings my total so far for the year up to 25.

NetGalley Progress

I’d like to end the year with at least 50 reviews completed for NetGalley and a ratio of at least 80%. I’ve made some progress on this goal in February. I completed 6 reviews for NetGalley this month, which is double the number from last month and brings my overall total up to 35. My ratio has still been hovering right around 60%, though, because I keep getting approved for new stuff. I’ve been requesting new books much less the last few weeks. So, hopefully I’ll see some upward movement on the ratio soon.

Read More Nonfiction

I didn’t read any nonfiction in February, but I have added one nonfiction book to my TBR for March (and have already read it).

Collect Some Badges

I probably could have collected many more badges this month because of all the books I read, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered. I thought this would be fun, but it turned into more of a chore. So, I’m dropping the badge collection from my goals for the year. I might come back to it at some point before the end of the year, but I’m not really in the mood to track this right now…

Read More Comics

I’ve set the goal of reading all the comics I buy during the week I buy them. I got behind by one week, but I was caught up by the end of the month. I’ve enjoyed doing this so far, and it has re-ignited my passion for reading comics because now I don’t really feel so overwhelmed by it since I don’t feel constantly far behind. In total, I read 62 comic issues in the past month and 138 for the year so far, which I’m really happy about.


I’m trying to focus on having a majority of the books I read this year be books I bought, borrowed, or received prior to January 1, 2022. I’m still doing good so far. Half of the books I read this month were published prior to 2022, and 67% of them were on my TBR prior to January 1.

Finish Some Series

I plan to finish or catch up on the following 5 series by the end of this year:

·  The Broken Earth by N.K. Jemisin

·  Arthurian Saga by Mary Stewart

·  The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

·  Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

·  A shit ton of different Shadowhunters books by Cassandra Clare

I finished the second book of The Broken Earth series and received an ARC of the last book of The Extraordinaries, which I plan to read soon. So, progress has continued to be made!

February 2022 Reviews

It has been another very busy month for reviews. In total, I completed 6 full-length book reviews, 4 mini book reviews, and 1 manga review. I reviewed the following books:

Blog Posts

I continued participating in First Lines Fridays throughout the month. I’ve also continued writing weekly wrap-ups to highlight all my reading progress, book acquisitions, and recent blog posts.

I also participated in Top 5 Tuesday, completed the Book Recommendations Tag, posted my February book haul, and wrote posts about my most anticipated releases of March 2022.

Final Thoughts

Looking back on my TBR for February, I met almost all of my goals. I also made progress on most of my bookish goals for the year. Thank you to everyone who has visited, liked, and/or commented on a post. I hope you all have a great March!

4 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2022

  1. That sounds like a very successful month of reading. Age of Ash arrived today and I’m really looking forward to starting this one.

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